Cold Brew

Kick Ass


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If there’s something worth doing, we think it’s worth doing great. This remarkable blend of steeped beans is the spirit of Kicking Horse Coffee, and a bold invitation to wake up and kick ass with us.

Cold Brew Coffee

Production Pause

We're hitting pause on our cold brew coffee production. The rest of our coffee products are full steam ahead, but cold brew is chilling for a while.

Make cold brew at home

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How to make Cold Brew at home:

  1. Grind up your beans! We recommend a four to one ratio with your water and coffee. Use four cups of cold filtered water to one cup of coarsely ground coffee .
  2. Add the grinds to your French Press.
  3. Using cold filtered water make sure coffee is fully saturated.
  4. Put the plunger aside for later and place in the fridge for twelve to fourteen hours. Don’t forget to cover your French Press to avoid absorbing any other aromas.
  5. Following, plunge the French Press just as you would normally.